Www not work why?

http://nb-club.webflow.io/ - work
www.nb-club.webflow.io/ - dont work

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @Animeshka_Animeska_3

Thanks so much for posting and welcome to the Webflow Forums :wave:

With all Webflow plans you can “stage” your site – this means you can publish your project to a webflow.io subdomain. In this case, your project is staged at nb-club.webflo.io where nb-club is the subdomain. www.nb-club.webflow.io is not an included subdomain with staging so this URL will not work.

You are definitely able to add a custom domain to your project, though, if you’d like. We created a video recently that explains how you can connect a custom domain to your Webflow project. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Add Webflow Hosting
  2. Add your custom domain to your site settings
  3. Update your DNS records to point your domain to your Webflow hosted project

The video explains the above three steps, but you can also reference our University article for non-SSL and SSL custom domain setup.

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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