Wildcard Redirects

Hi everyone,

We just pushed wildcard redirects which allows you to create customized redirection behavior, similar to Apache Rewrite Rules, straight in the Webflow hosting settings. This better enables you to preserve all that SEO juice on your old hosting service after you create your Webflow custom domain.

For more information, check out this post:


Excellent work Webflow team! :clap:

Tested it myself, and it works perfectly.

This is GREAT. Excellent news.

@brryant So cool guys! However in our case we’ve got more than 500 redirects, that can’t be computed with regex, but has changed URLs all differently from old to new. But BULK load from a file would be just perfect!

Agreed–CSV or XLSX upload would be very useful.

Brilliant work, thanks for that :slight_smile:

This wouldn’t work on outside hosting? Like bluehost or something would it?

@Hamzster all settings found on the Hosting tab are just for sites that use Webflow hosting. You’ll have to ping bluehost to see how to set up redirects there

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