Why putting localhost in the URL redirect is invalid

I hope you should allow putting localhost in the redirect URL of app’s setting. This will allow us to speed up the process of development.

It’s ironic that your documentation shown localhost in the example.


Hey @jmozzart - mind sharing which page in our docs you see that shows localhost in the example? We can look at getting that fixed up.

Right now, you have to use a https:// based url for the redirect:

You can use tools like ngrok to do tunneling to your localhost port via an https-based URL for local dev if you don’t have a dedicated one to use during development (and can update it at any time too).

Having the same issue, even https://localhost links no longer work when they did previously

Using tunneling is quite hard to get it work with Mac.
Im distributing N8N workflows to my clients and it is only for local setup because it deals with reading and writing files to disk.

Hey folks, as an update, we’ve allowed localhost URLs for redirect URIs when configuring your App.

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