Why is BG Image parallax scroll animation jittery?

Hi everyone,

I have created a BG image parallax scroll interaction that is supposed to look kind of like this (scroll down to see sections with BG parallax scroll effects):

I understand Webflow does not have a feature like this so I recreated it my self. Now, the first iteration I created works fine, which is the one closest to the bottom of my projects home page. But I copied and pasted it into the sections above, and on scroll, the copied sections are jittery, causing the BG image to jump around.


I also checked on the published site and it does the same thing. For some reason this jittery action is at the very top of the page when the animated sections are almost out of view.


Any idea what the problem might be and how to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)