Only what’s in the Style panel can be changed between devices. If you alter the structure of an element, this won’t be responsive and will affect all devices. For Grids, you can’t change the structure of the grid, but you can change its valueS. You can also change the order of the content.
Hi, I am wondering if you can help. I am having some issue with my grid, in desktop there are 4 Rows & 3 Columns, However when I edit my grid on Mobile device for 1 Column & 10 Rows things get mixed up in desktop and tablet Device. Is there anything that I missed and how I can resolve the issue? Thanks
Thanks Vincent. Makes sense but I saw a tutorial on youtube where the guy used a grid on desktop but a flex box on tablet and mobile and that didn’t change the desktop? How come?
It’s not clear from your screenshots what it is that you’re trying to do-
but yes you can use set row and column positions for your grid’s children.
It also supports areas depending on how you want your layout to work.
I’d generally recommend keeping things simple, plan ahead, aim for natural flow as much as possible and override it in the specific cases where it makes sense. Your projects will be 100x easier to maintain.
You should see some of the cleanup projects I’ve had to do on client projects