Mobile Safari 9
iPhone 6
iPhone 6 Plus
Is it possible for you to publish your site so I can test it on my own phone?
It is published. Are you not able to get to it?
Is the link, ? if so, iām getting a 404 error
It looks like your instagram feed embed has a fixed width. Try changing it to a percentage instead. What I like to use for instagram feeds is . That plugin has a responsive mode
hope this helps
I am not sure how to do that. I actually had someone else design this site. We had to let them go and we are left with this. Is there any way to just take out the instagram on the main page? There is a tab to click on instagram if they want to view instagram pics. Thank you for all you help. Or how do I change that to percentage?
I figured it out. is great. Thank you very much!!!
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