I’m testing my website on an iPhone 4s and the hero section becomes EXTREMELY tall and covers the rest of the website!
I don’t know if there’s any way to explain this better but I just keep scrolling and the background image repeats.
This glich happens on both portrait and landscape mode.
Do you mean you’ve tested it on 4 and 5 and only the 4S behave like this?
Preview link doesn’t work.
The site isn’t scrollable, did you put overflow:hidden on the body element?
When you put overflow:hidden on the body element, you have to pay a beer to all forum members, it’s a new rule we came up with for @jdesign
The problem is that I used overflow:hidden because the site used to scroll horizontally and I can’t find in webflow an option to limit overflow:hidden to the y axis only.
Hi @stephlucente, I think the issue is because you have three containers in the Hero section, and one of containers, the discovery container has an absolute position relative to the body element, anchored to the bottom of the page with an offset of -35px:
This causes the Hero section to be as long as the entire body, and you have the background image set to tile.
I remove the discovery container from the Hero section, and put that as your last element in the Navigation tree. I would also check your background image and set that to not tile:
After making those changes, let us know so we can take a look. One more question, is there a specific reason you are using 100vh height compared with 100% height on the hero section?
Hi @stephlucente, there might be a couple things to update still, but try this next, set your body height to 100% and then set the section height to 100% instead of 100vh.
After changing that, let me know and I will take another look. If you set section height to 100%, it will not fill the viewport unless the body also has 100% height