Website not showing at all on mobile

Hi there! I’m new to webflow and just built my first website on it. Everything seems great. However, when i publish my site, it works well on the laptop, but completely not working on the mobile phone - I have tried both safari and chrome on the phone. Anyone could help? Thanks a lot!

The website is:

Update: Just found out the website is actually loading fine for other pages on mobile, however, the homepage is not loading…

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Susan - welcome to the forum :webflow_heart:

Share your read only link - so the members of the forum can dive into and try to help. Here is how to share

Sure thing. This is the read-only link:

Actually please close this topic. I still couldn’t figure out why it didn’t work before, but I rebuilt the home page again it seems works fine. Thank you!