Webm Format Video with Transparent background

Hi everyone! Is there a way to add a lightweight video with a transparent background? I previously used a GIF with a transparent background, but my site health dropped significantly on Google. It suggested that I convert my GIF to WebM, but I found that WebM is only supported when used as background video (it can NOT be directly uploaded to the assets panel). Unfortunately, when I uploaded it as a background video, it lost the transparent background and turned into a white background.

After extensive research, I discovered a potential solution involving an embed code to insert the WebM video. However, I’m having trouble finding a suitable hosting solution for the video to use in the embed code. Does anyone have a solution for this? Thank you!

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - ClinicSense

If it’s small, just convert it to a WebP. You’ll be able to upload that to the assets panel

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Hi @sabrina_marin,

At this moment Webflow does not currently support transparent backgrounds for WebM videos.

The best workaround is an embed and you’ll have to host the video outside of webflow.

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Hosting options- if you want a nice interface, check Vidzflow and Flowdrive.

If you’re good with simple straight-up file hosting, I recommend bunny .net, or Cloudflare R2 object storage. Depends on your priorities in terms of cost / capability / convenience.

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