This is a really interesting post. One that could be taken a lot of different ways, which is apparent by the responses here. It’s pretty direct and seems mostly stemmed from a bit of frustration with Webflow and the way they manage user feedback via the Forum or Wishlist. I totally get that.
I think if anything it comes from a deep appreciation or optimistic foresight of how Webflow could continue and grow to be even greater with each passing year. Ironically I think that’s where the frustration comes into play. “Ugh, they gave us e-commerce, but why no user login for customers?”
I think some (not all) may forget or simply not know what comes along with releasing a new feature, such as documentation, testing for all kinds of different use cases, making sure it’s scalable, training support for those new features, making sure these new features are built in a way that makes adding to them much easier and faster for the future once they are released and much more. Understanding all this, it’s important to take into consideration prioritization. Which Webflow has to do obviously.
Which leads me to the point of this post which is the Wishlist and the forum but mainly the Wishlist. Could Webflow do better job at being a bit more transparent with the future of Webflow and its features? Sure! I wouldn’t disagree there. I would argue the age of Webflow being roughly 6 years old. Webflow has so many different areas to it. Not just the designer. The dashboard, hosting, designer, documentation, Webflow university, E-Commerce, client billing, showcase, public profiles, their own website updates, marketing, blog, forum, support, documentation for support… so much! Now, I think a priority that sits pretty high is customers. Communicating with customers.
Webflow is not perfect but definitely striving to be, always. I think we can all respectfully voice ways that may be more constructive as to how Webflow can improve on communicating it’s plans for features, roadmaps etc. Anyhow, I hope we can start to see more input in this post/thread on ways you may like to see Webflow improve on how they can communicate with customers. Whether it’s a roadmap instead, or simply just replying more frequently on highly voted Wishlist items with status updates or even other ways we may not be thinking of yet.
Hope everyone is staying safe out there!
Have an amazing week! 