Vertical sticky scroll not working on mobile

Webflow automatically adds the following script to the <head>

  ! function(o, c) {
    var n = c.documentElement,
      t = " w-mod-";
    n.className += t + "js", ("ontouchstart" in o || o.DocumentTouch && c instanceof DocumentTouch) && (n.className += t + "touch")
  }(window, document);

This adds the following CSS:

  html.w-mod-touch * {
      background-attachment: scroll !important;

Changing the above CSS to background-attachment: fixed; makes the desired effect work again.

You might be able to override the behaviour by adding the specific CSS. I’m not totally sure about the effect. There’s probably a good reason for Webflow adding this.

Have a look at the following three threads below.

You might have to do a bit of restructuring in order to make this work without adding custom code. The comment from @cyberdave might be a good starting point going forward.