Vertical sticky scroll not working on mobile

Hi there,

I have a site I developed. The Mobile effect does not work when on I am actually on mobile.

When I test it on desktop the images change when scrolling. On mobile it just scrolls like a normal page.

I really need to get this out ASAP so any help would be appreciated.

Please could you assist

Hey there,

please share your read-only link, so we can help you out.

Hi Choreus,

Please see below


Can you elaborate a bit? Is the effect I’m seeing on the mobile breakpoint inside the Designer the desired effect? It’s not working on an actual mobile device?

Am I understanding this correctly?

Yes that is correct. I would like the effect from the designer to be on the mobile browser

Webflow automatically adds the following script to the <head>

  ! function(o, c) {
    var n = c.documentElement,
      t = " w-mod-";
    n.className += t + "js", ("ontouchstart" in o || o.DocumentTouch && c instanceof DocumentTouch) && (n.className += t + "touch")
  }(window, document);

This adds the following CSS:

  html.w-mod-touch * {
      background-attachment: scroll !important;

Changing the above CSS to background-attachment: fixed; makes the desired effect work again.

You might be able to override the behaviour by adding the specific CSS. I’m not totally sure about the effect. There’s probably a good reason for Webflow adding this.

Have a look at the following three threads below.

You might have to do a bit of restructuring in order to make this work without adding custom code. The comment from @cyberdave might be a good starting point going forward.

Hi choreus

Thank you for your response.

I have tried the solutions above but without much luck. Do you have a detailed explanation of how I can achieve the same effect on mobile.


Hi Tejal, so checking the animation that is on the desktop is optimised for the desktop and not for mobile you’ll have to make a completely new variation of this animation optimised for the mobile itself hope this clarifies the issue you’re having and from my experience, you’ll need a bit of hands-on experience with interactions in order for you translate the desktop animation on to mobile.

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