My website supports an app download. This app has universal links built-in and depends on a “apple-app-site-association.json” file.
Every time I upload it, I get a message about a lottie thing. I just want to upload this file and host it in the root.
100% @Emin_Israfil , I now need to find an alternative! It seems sooo simple to allow. I might just downgrade to the free version. Download the HTML and host these on a static site in an S3 bucket.
So I setup a 301 redirect and that seems to actually work.
Hosting the file elsewhere, then use 301 redirect to respond to the domain.ext/apple-app-site-association
I add a 301 redirect, but this time it doesn’t work. I get a different 404 than my own site 404.
Also adding a folder .well-known results in a slug without the “.” This really frustrates me.
Why does Webflow limit all these options?? This should be a 2 minute job turning into a multi day ordeal.
I’ve also tried preceding the leading dot in well-known with a percent sign in case it was some sort of regular expression/escaping problem (e.g. /%.well-known/assetlinks.json), but that doesn’t seem to work, either. Please help!
@Naos I haven’t tried this yet, but I just noticed you can alternatively associate your domain with your app in Google Webmaster Tools… perhaps this is a workaround? Add Android App Links | Android Developers
I am not able to verify domain for microsoft identity manager.
Host the file at: https://{YOUR-DOMAIN-HERE}.com/.well-known/microsoft-identity-association.json . Replace the placeholder {YOUR-DOMAIN-HERE} to match the verified domain.
With redirect url I am getting the same issue(‘Invalid .well-known request’) mentioned by @mdesjardins
Sadly no! I even went as far as to going on LinkedIn and finding a product owner that works for webflow to shed some light on this,… I guess it should be proposed on their feature list,… then get a lot of people to vote on it.