Update slider from CMS

There have been a few threads on this topic but all pretty old and can’t seem to find any with a solution.

I need to find a way to have a full screen slider which can be updated via the CMS. Please can someone let me know the best way to go about this please?


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Can this do the job?

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Thanks very much Vincent. It looks like this might do the trick.

Do you know if it would be possible to autoplay the ‘slides’ using this method? Also, could they mix from one to the other and have a standard dots slider navigation? Basically, something like the home page at www.footprintse.com

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JS could play forward. And @sabanna — unsurprisingly :wink: — found a way to add the dots But I don’t know if she made a public demo yet.

Thanks Vincent.

I’m not a developer so would it be possible to point me in the direction of the JS I would need to add and where to add it?

Do you know if the dissolve between ‘slides’ is possible?