Unable to activate Localization


I would like to use Localization on my site in Ecomm Plus, but when activating the plugin, I am asked to upgrade to Basic, CMS, or Business, which makes no sense.

Anyone could tell me how I can activate this plugin on my site?

Thank you community :slight_smile:

I remember hearing at launch that Localization was not yet supported with ECom, however I assumed that referred to limitations around localizing checkout, emails, Products and Collections, or a lack of support for locale-specific currency conversion / pricing rules.

It never would have occurred to me that you literally cannot activate Localization while on an ECom plan- but it looks like that’s what you’re facing.

That’s really unfortunate, I’ll have to pay 79€ per month with Weglot for the same service instead of Webflow’s 29$, and commit to another year for that!

At this rate, I won’t translate my website…

Thank you for your response!