Hey everyone!
I’ve been putting together this site, and I can’t get the sticky hero interaction to work properly for the life of me. It’s been like 2 nights and I’m feeling pretty defeated.
1 - If you take a look at my site you can see that I have a Lottie file that should play on scroll. It seems like it’s all set up properly and the interaction works some, but it doesn’t start the animation from frame 1. When I test a live preview of the interaction it stops at 48%. And won’t let me scroll up to 0 (frame 1). Am I missing something? Ideally, it gets to 99 and then scrolls to the next section. See the old published version at donteverletgo.com to see how it should work. (this is an old version with separate assets for type and door that I had to nix. for scaling issues)
2 - The next issue is that my menu is an accordion-style menu. Right now they all work pretty correctly. The only one that is not working as it should is the gallery at the bottom. That should be closed on page load, but it seems like the way the accordion is set up I need to turn off overflow visibility on my ‘Accordion item content’ block. But then sticky does not like the overflow off. LOL so it seems like these two interactions are just working against each other.
2.5 - Lastly, after the gallery, I should start to see the footer with logos, but right now it stops just before that. Im not sure why.
Im hoping you guys can help me out. I’m heading to a festival with my film and I need to get this site working this week.
Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/delg?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=delg&preview=41acfeb2f8ff39854bb36aa4079624b2&workflow=preview