Trying to edit dropdown menu within nav menu opens nav instead of dropdown?

Hey, this is strange behavior … I’m not able to edit my dropdown menu item because every time I try to open it, it instead switches over to tablet view and opens up the main menu instead of the dropdown. Here’s a screencast:

EDIT: I just found a workaround where it would allow me to open the dropdown from within the mobile view and that seems to have worked so far, but the strange behavior I caught on tape above persists …

And here’s my share link:

I’ve had similar issues, but never bothered to report it.

Sorry guys, but you’re clicking on the wrong settings…

Cut straight from your video :slight_smile:

OK, makes sense. Easily overlooked by the fast worker!

To every one of us at one point I think

lol, thanks! :wink: (Now where’s the “doh didn’t actually pay much attention” emoticon?) :stuck_out_tongue:

No idea tbh… :neutral_face:
We’re here to help each other and not to criticise :smiley:

Unless you posted a website and want feedback… then we can :sunglasses:

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