Trouble to import Lottie File

Hello everybody,

I have a minor problem. A graphic designer created a Lottie animation that I need to integrate into my website but it’s simply impossible. The error message is as follows: “JSON File is not Lottie type”

I tried to find the possible explanations because my designer is not familiar with webflow: JSON too large, wrong process when conversion, Nest compositions used in AE, etc but apparently it’s not that (but I can’t verify).

I’m not sure what to do next… Can you help me?

The Lottie File : 16951 new.json - Google Drive

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hey @Clement_Bernard, opening up the JSON file, it looks like the init variables are commented out. When exporting the lottie from AE, are you using the bodymovin plugin?

Example of a working Lottie

Your Lottie

Hello ! I’m deeply sorry for the silence, an infection has knocked me out for 15 days… Thanks for your answer, I will directly ask to my graphic designer!