Trouble fitting link block to image


I’m having trouble with an image contained in a link block. The link block is set to a specific pixel height because if I just set it to 100%, it crops the image. This results in the block being way too tall when going < 1260px breakpoint leaving a lot of space down to the next block.

I’ve probably complicated the blocks a bit, but it’s because I want to have a small hover animation. Please let me know if you can help!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK

Please drop read only link. so I can check issue.

Under Size settings on your image you can update the scaling to contain. This should resolve the issue.
Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 13.55.04

Hey @felix_hellstrom, thanks for replying.

Am I putting the contain on the image layer or the link block?
Either way I’m still having trouble where the image gets cut off if I don’t set a minimum height. But again, the medium height causes the original issue of too much spacing.

@junglegymco the read-only link is below the images