Timer to unload video element

Hi All -I’m trying to do something a bit tricky. I’m still a webflow novice so this question is getting ahead of myself but I have it in my minds eye for what I would like to attempt on my site, so here goes…

I would like to have a splash animation that fades like this:


however instead of simple #s counting down I want the element that loads and then disappears to be a video. like this:

this video would be hosted on vimeo so actually I would probably need to do this:

when the video disappears (fading out would be great, but simply unloading would be fine) there would be an image and text behind it.

Way too complicated I know!! But essentially what I’m trying to do is add a timer that says when the video is finished (time/length of video - 30 sec for example) unload the video and load new image & text. Of course all would need to be in appropriate web structure elements.

Since Webflow has both of these interactions in the demokit I was hoping to combine them somehow without trying to get help handcoding.

I don’t have a sharelink because I haven’t attempted this yet :slight_smile: Looking for some guidance 1st as to how to best structure. Then I’ll have a go, probably make several mistakes, and then share my botched attempt for some more help :smiley:

thank you for your time,

You can esign your page with the video in an element on top of it. Then with an interaction, make the element disappear after a given amount of time.

Note that neither vimeo, YT of HTML5 video will autoplay or behave the way you want (ie not in a player) on mobile…

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