The designer is lagging beyond belief

Has anyone else seen this? I mean for days and days and there are spans of hours where a single click will take 4-15 seconds to get a response from the designer. I’m taking time to browse and do other things in between mouse clicks now. It’s really frustrating. My browser works fine multitasking (only do it rarely when needed) and I have almost a Terabyte download speed from my ISP.

Who needs the read only version to make sure I don’t have two buttons nested which is causing the site to shut down LOL

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @dont-pop

I’m not seeing any behavior like this on my end. Definitely sounds odd.

Regarding performance, it is possible for the Webflow Designer UI to experience slowdowns — mainly on large sites or sites with many styles, pages, and / or complex data bindings.

The team is actively working now on some platform updates to monitor and improve the performance levels across the board. I can totally understand the frustration when waiting in between clicks and I will be standing by cheering with you when the performance levels rise for larger sites.

Some things that can be done now that should help:

  1. Delete any unused classes used on the site from the Style manager

  2. Delete any unused images from the asset manager

  3. Delete any unused page elements from pages

  4. Delete any unused Pages

  5. Delete unused Symbols

  6. Delete unused Collections

Also, the size and number of images plays a big roll in site performance. So if you can, try to compress your images prior to upload so that the source images used in the designer do not have large file sizes.

Here is a good article you can reference around boosting performance:

If you don’t mind sharing your Read-Only, I’d be happy to take a closer look and see if the team can help.

Thanks for the reply I’ve seen that response elsewhere in the forum. The article is really good for getting your page to load fast on the client end, but not necessarily making the Job any easier. It’s excruciating.

Here’s what has helped based on a couple other bits of feedback ( for now )…

I turned off all the page and element triggers for animations. ( I had a disappearing NAV bar and a few accordions… and page scroll effect)

I also deleted the Google maps node that sat side A div block until I’m ready to publish and go live I can drop it back in.

So far that’s helped. I have a lot of classes but not a ton of images.

Should I expect the platform to perform the same when I get a hosting plan and have up to 100 pages instead of just the one page and a half I am working on now ?

Are there offline options as well that do not depend on an internet connection for development?


Hi @dont-pop

Thanks for letting me know.

Should I expect the platform to perform the same when I get a hosting plan and have up to 100 pages instead of just the one page and a half I am working on now ?

Adding hosting won’t likely change the performance of the Designer much. The exception here is if you distribute your content from 1 and a half pages to several pages — having less nodes on a page should increase performance.

Are there offline options as well that do not depend on an internet connection for development?

Not at this time. You are not alone in thinking this would be an awesome feature to though — please feel free to vote for this feature request on our Webflow Wishlist: Webflow Desktop / Offline Application | Webflow Wishlist

I am having the same issue. Supper unresponsive and sluggish. Killing any workflow.

It would be great if the designer had some tools to help keep it clean by giving the option to delete unused images

Browser is not giving the the Aw snap error page, grey screens of death. Just since posting this above the site/editor has become unusable.

I don’t feel my site is overly large, it’s graphically light, no SMC, etc.

Delete any unused images from the asset manager

It would be great if webflow could show unused assets like it does for classes. Otherwise deleting assets manually is really impossible, especially since you can never be sure that this asset is not used somewhere and might break the page if you delete it.

We had great trouble with the designer as well, it was almost impossible to work with it. We were close to 100 static pages at that point. We deleted ~15 pages and combined 10 collections to 1, since then it’s working normal again. However, those were quite drastic measures.


@andre9000 Happy to hear removing those 15 pages helped speed up the Designer.

I agree that this isn’t the best workaround to improve performance. We are hoping these performance initiatives we are continuing to work on will prevent these sort of measures in the future.

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