✅ Text wrap and overflow on smaller screens – *SOLUTION*

Hey Webflow fam,

I just wanted to share a solution I figured out lately. I always struggled on how to wrap text correctly in Webflow.

1. Then I stumpled over some custom code you need to wrap the text as usual (wraps the text and activates hyphenation):

.class-name p, a {
    overflow-wrap: break-word;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    -webkit-hyphens: auto;
    -ms-hyphens: auto;
    -moz-hyphens: auto;
    hyphens: auto;

But when I tried it out on smaller screens the text was still overflowing and I was like: “WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING WRONG??” :smiley:

So for all of those who struggle with the same issue, here comes the solution.

2. If your text is nested inside of a container, just put the max-width of the parent container on 100% instead of a fixed value like 1140px on smaller screens. This should solve the issue.

Hope this was helpful. Maybe someone knows a different solution regarding to this topic. Let’s chat about this. However this logic is still a bit confusing for me, because I thought, when I give the container a max-width of a certain value, for example 1140px, it will automatically behave on smaller screens like 100% and adjust automatically. So this was the last thing I was thinking about.

Best, Leon :woman_mage:t3:

Thank you for your styling code, it helped me. Also look closely if you have any slash / in your text, I spent some amount of time before noticing that two long words separated by a slash were preventing my text block to shrink. Indeed: this could be a URL and applying break-word to it would break it. So it seems by default, it preserves URL-looking text. I added spaces before and after the slash and my problem was solved.

Line breaking, word breaking and text wrapping can now be controlled directly from the designer. Webflow just updated the designer with it. I recorded a tutorial for it:

If you want to use hyphens: auto you still have to use custom code.