I have a line of copy such as “telephone number: 1-888-567-7886” when in mobile the line breaks and makes the telephone number appear not altogether in one line.
I am using a text field in a collection to manage and populate this content. If I use a Rich Text I can add a Line break, the problem is that I cannot use a Rich text to populate the content on the field, it seems only Plain Text is allowed to be used.
Question: Is there a way to force the number to “stay together” when pushed into a new line?
The line break happens in more than one element, sizing down is not a solution that I would like to do.
No Wrap - will keep the ALL the copy in one line. ex. “telephone number: 1-888-567-7886” what I want is that is able to add a line break inside the paragraph, just before the actual number so stays together in a new line.
In responsive should look like this:
telephone number:
easier to accomplish if it was not connected to a multireference field inside a collection.
The collection shouldn’t affect it at all. Try setting a wrap on the container it’s in, or create two separate text blocks. Two blocks will give you more flexibility in making it responsive.