Structuring New CMS Site with Tabular Data

So I have a client site I need to do with CMS items however they require tables within each item. This is a enterprise company with datasheets for products. So here are the main issues.

  • 1 - No ability to embed html (manual tables) in cms items
  • 2 - If I avoid CMS all together and create individual pages for each, the client has 0 ability to create new pages if they need to using the editor.
  • Workaround would be to create a ridiculous amount of fields inside the CMS that will confuse and most likely frustrate the client.

I really want to use webflow for this project. Any work around or ideas would be much appreciated.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)


Copy and paste an existing html table and convert it with this handy tool HTML Table to Div Converter.

It’s easier to understand how to build it in Webflow using div blocks, don’t forget to copy the CSS from the original html table.

I followed this process and created a complex div table for a dating website earlier this year (see attached image) - I can’t share the link due to an NDA agreement.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks @nwdsha , You were able to do this within a CMS Item?

That’s correct @bri-idea. Insert text elements in each column and assign the CMS collection.

Although, do it as if you’re creating a CMS item by row not column otherwise it will get messy and confusing.

Hmm im not sure this is possible to create inside of a cms item. I understand how it would be easy to style a collection to appear as a table but when I create the item there is no field I can create that supports a table.