Stray URL generated from Webflow in Google Search Console

On my Google search console I got an error that a URL has been blocked by robots.txt. This stray URL shouldn’t have existed in the first place.>/search/portal.php?l=OAliZDIzYzMwOGU1ZDUwZjIwMGY5YzIwNTQ2ZDIzODAyNQkxMjAxCTEzCTAJCTU4NDQxMDk1NAl0YWJzZGF0YQkzMjAwCTEJNQk1OQkxNzE5ODM5NDE4CTAJTgkwCTEJMAkxMjA1CTUyOTU3MjczNwk2Ni4yNDkuNzcuOTgJMA%3D=

I have a few questions:

  1. Why is the URL getting generated?
  2. My robots.txt file is blank in Webflow. How is Google Search console able to block this?
  3. Is this a standalone issue, or can it affect my other pages as well, as I scale up the website?

Hey Shubha,

It’s not possible to tell without more detail, Search console screenshots, your actual published site domain so we can check the site, etc.

If you have setup GSC as a domain property, it will also report on all of your subdomain, so if you happen to have a linked system like Thinkific or Forum software or a Help desk running on a subdomain, you may be seeing that.