Still no IPV6 support?

I am confused about the process for running a subdomain on another hosting service that DOES support ipv6 since, as is my understanding, webflow does not support ipv6 (umm, it is 2020…)

I am hosting from Google’s App Engine service. In order for Google to manage the SSL certs, they require four A records (for @), four AAAA records (also for @), and then a CNAME that points api to google’s hosted domain.

The problem is that I would like and to be hosted from Webflow. Webflow requires that I add two A records for @, which I put above the A records for App Engine. Now that works fine if I hit or from a machine that is using ipV4, but if I try to hit it using ipV6, there are no AAAA records for Webflow, so instead it goes to google’s app engine servers where I then get a 404.

Can anyone recommend a solution here?


This does not directly address your question but you can vote for IPv6 support in the Webflow wishlist.

Are we saying that in 2021 there is still no IPv6 support? needs AAAA records!

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