My navigation isn’t scrolling after I made it a sticky nav bar. It was scrollable, but now when I try to move down the menu list I can only see a snippit of my menu items.
Thanks, LJB, I tried that and noticed that it doesn’t let me scroll all the way down my menu when that option is selected. Some of the nav links are displaying.
What you suggested definitely works on the desktop and my mobile, but it doesn’t work on my tablet in the portrait view. When I was adjusting everything it worked in the designer preview of the site for the tablet.
So I tried what you suggested and it definitely works in the preview, but when I go on two different iPads, one big, the other a mini, I still get the cut off menu in the tablet portrait view. I’ve attached to new photos of the screens.
Hi @angierosie, thanks for the update. Could you make a slight change to the style of the NavMenuHolder at Tablet Portrait view, to set the values as in the screenshot below, for the fixed positioning and offsets:
I had the same problem with my navigation not scrolling and this solutions seems to work for me as well. However, I did not excessively test it yet. Will post my results soon.
Hi @angierosie, this is still under investigation as it also has to do with iOS and how touch movements are handled in iOS.
This issue of not being able to scroll a fixed div with auto scroll on iOS has been reported by others in the webdev community and I am still doing investigation on this.
Thanks for looking into this, @cyberdave! I’m glad that it’s at least working properly on desktop, landscape tablet, and portrait mobile phone. I’ll be very content when it works across all environments
Is there a way to make the navigation a permanent fixture on the side of the page like only on the desktop and still have the navigation work for mobile devices?