I have an issue regarding sorting. I made the sorting so that my clients added items went from A - Z, working as expected.
After a while my client asked me if it was possible to move some items up the list.
I solved this by adding a switch and in the sort order I made it like this:
“featured is ON first”
“name, Alphabetical (A - Z)”
I then flipped the switch for an item and it worked wonders. But when I flipped it back to “OFF” the item is still displayed first.
I’ve drafted all the items and published them again but the issue persists. I can’t even explain how this is possible unless “the CMS for some reason thinks that the switch is still ON for that item”.
Excuse my somewhat bad English but I hope you understand the problem.
Hi @albinlang. What i do if i need to be sure about the sorting i always add a field called sortorder.
It’s a numeric field and im always using steps of 10 or more for each sortorder.
That makes it possible for me to put an item whereever i want it. What i do miss in webflow is a way of building my own indexes.
I see how that could be a workaround @JanneWassberg and if I can’t get this figured out I’ll probably take that approach. But since it’s a client I’d prefere if they could just use the switch instead.
Mostly I’m kind of surprised it first seem to work but when I toggle it OFF it still is as if it was still ON.
I’m having the same problem. Works when it’s off, but won’t change back to the right order when the switch is off. Is it a bug or am I missing something? Did you figure it out @albinlang?
Scroll down and turn the “Featured” (toggle) switch to ON.
Save (not sure how to do this in Read Only mode, so I’m looking at you Webflow admins… like @webdev@cyberdave )
Now to go Pages > “Pumps”
What should happen is the “featured” toggle should make that manufacturer’s card appear FIRST in the list of cards, regardless of alpha order. So the sorting instructions are 1) First display any manufacturers that have the “Featured” switch ON, then 2) then display the rest in alpha order.
What I’ve noticed is that the switch may work fine today, but as soon as you add a new manufacturer in the future, then the sorting gets all kinds of messed up. Please help! This issue has been identified numerous times by many Webflow customers for 3+ years.