Smooth Scrolling?

Chrome version >> 44
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How would I go about adding smooth scrolling to my website? And no, I don’t mean with anchors to different sections. I just mean smooth scrolling while using the mouse.

I would like it like this:

Hi. It’s not called smooth scrolling, which is, you know it, smoothly scrolling to an anchor after a click :wink:

So I don’t know how it’s called, but it does for sure require JS code. I tried to find the name of such behavior on Google but couldn’t…

Hi @vincent and @MinewireNetwork, the function is called smooth scrolling or nice scroll :smile:

This is not built in to Webflow, but you can add a simple jQuery plugin that can do this:

There is also a cdnjs repository that you can link to for the script code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

This would go in the Footer of the site, using custom code: Custom code in head and body tags | Webflow University

There may be other custom code options as well for something like this :slight_smile:

​I hope this helps, cheers, Dave


Thank you for the assistance, but I do not have the paid version of Webflow. How would I add a script without Footer Access?

Hi @MinewireNetwork, ahh I see. At the moment the custom code feature is a paid plan feature only.

Depending on the number of sites you want to create, the Micro (1 site): or Personal plan: are good choices.

Cheers, Dave

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To get smooth scrolling between anchor links you don’t need custom code now, as Webflow builds that in by default: