The back-forth´s arrows and circles buttons inside my slider inside modal doesnt work. I was seeing in the forum that the solution is to add Webflow.require('slider').redraw(); just after to $('.modal-background').fadeIn(); .
But the question is that I can not find where to insert that code, neither in the webflow nor in the js file. Where, in the name of God, do I have to insert that line of code?
I would suggest reading the custom code page in the University. There are various ways to add code. In the header or footer of all pages (site), just on the header or footer of an individual page, or with any embed element.
Where you put it depends on what it is and any dependancies. Example if the script has a dependency on jQuery, place in the before body close since WF loads jQuery just above that.
The code in your example should be placed in the custom code section “before body close”.
I know how to insert custom code. The problem is that the recomendation is to add code after specific line$('.modal-background').fadeIn();that I cant find!
But, at any case, do you know how to solve my problem?
The back-forth´s arrows and circles buttons inside my slider inside modal doesnt work at