Slider increasing width with new slides

Hi everyone, I’ve run into an issue I couldn’t find on the forums but likely others have encountered it.

I have a slider I’m customizing. The slides each have a div with flex to handle 3 columns for images and texts. When I add more than a couple of slides, the whole slider gets wider, even beyond its parent elements. This becomes a nuisance, especially for responsiveness.

Because I am using a couple of (impractical) workarounds and the project is under wraps, I can’t post the link right now, but I can make a fully broken copy of it on a public project if that would help.


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi, Yaco!

I don’t have that much experience, but maybe this video will help you out:

Thanks @GeorgyDesign I’ll have a look over the slider section. Didn’t know there was a Webflow Skillshare class already!


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You are welcome, mate! :slight_smile:
I did not know about it too — that’s great. Though, I’m sure that tutorials by are the best.

What was your mistake or result? Please share it here next time!!
In my case it helped setting the divs/containers around the slider to 100% and for the slider element the css overflow:hidden

Credits to similar post: Slider overflows when adding another slide - #3 by zbrah

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