Scenario:home>team - Inside this page a collection-list of 50 team members - without seperate page (post) for each team member. Collection: team members (slug “team”) Items: 50 collection items (tom, mark, anton, lorem…member 50)…
webflow will auto-generate-sitemap 50 pages (empty pages)
Than under google console the spiders will “go crazy” and the site get a lot of covarge errors issues -or Warnings
To avoid indexing - The classis solution is to block pages by Disallow: /folder-name/ robots.txt (or by meta tag in the head) - but this also will cause errors (Beacuse you block pages Which appears on the auto-generate-sitemap).
** auto generate sitemap set to off is not practical solution for medium-big projects.
Any ideas/wishlist -or- trick to solve this issue?
Looks like you need to edit the sitemap.xml output then upload that as a custom sitemap. Unless I am missing something, webflow needs to provide an a sitemap exclusion option for collections in the collection settings.
Hi @Siton_Systems, second time I’m on one of your posts today
I have the same issue. Did you end up manually updating the sitemap every time new content, E.g. blog posts, were added or did you just allow collection pages you wanted excluded to be indexed and appear in the site map?
draft or protect by password unwanted pages (“unwanted” - page you don’t want in your auto-sitemap).
Again for small project its fine, but for big project this is very tidy to manually update sitemap (So you should “live” with X console coverage errors).
In blog-posts its very rare to "excluded " post-X. The problem is with empty collection pages (Sometime you create collection without design/create collection page).
Ya, I had managed to exclude 2 standard pages by password protecting them.
Unfortunately CMS Collection pages don’t seem to exclude even when password protected. I don’t want to “draft” the actual items (in the e.g. below gallery images) as they wouldn’t pull through to the category page.