I have an interaction which is triggered by a class: “Page Header Section”. It is meant to affect my navigation bar class “Nav Bar”, and of it, all elements. The interaction causes the nav bar to become opaque when scrolling down and transparent again when scrolling up.
I got this to work on one page (“Airborne Wind Energy”), but both classes are used on multiple pages across our site, which is why I set the trigger to class “Page Header Section” and the animation action to affect all elements with the class “Nav Bar”. So it actually should work site-wide.
I don’t understand what I am doing wrong - I am actually following exactly what is done in the tutorials. Is this a bug?
More reason for me to believe this actually is a bug: When I created the read-only link the animation actually worked, but on a different page (“Technology”). After a few minutes, during which I started writing this post, I checked back and the animation was not working on “Technology” anymore, but now it again only worked on “Airborne Wind Energy Technology”. - WTF?
Here is my public share link: Webflow - Kitekraft 1
(how to access public share link)