you can’t swipe down at all on tablet and mobile landscape
when swiping up/down on mobile there’s a rubberband effect where the designs are “floating”. I’ve tried a bunch of things related to overflow, but I cannot seem to fix it.
Cool, remember to be a little more informative as it may help someone to want to help.
So, yeah how strange is that, I just tried it on my PC and Edge new.
Ok I will take a quick peek and report back.
The body background image is the image in the top hero section. But perhaps instead of having that image as a body background image it should be in a section. I want the top image to take up full edge-to-edge browser width. And from what I could find in tutorials, adding the image to the background was the way to do that?
Click the ,jpg
And now worries, I want to help, we both learn.
Its a large picture, just for now click delete icon to remove.
Then publish to see if it helps.
I doubt it but its a case of narrow it down.
If you click the blue fit and click reset to default you see it is fill.
I always remove anything that I change back to default if not using.
Tidy up and removes doubt. Ok beans on toast finished so back on it.
interesting observation.
On the browser size it works there is a scroll bar.
When you narrow it the scroll bar disappears.
That’s why you cant scroll.
Now we have to find out why.
Ohh I think I found the mistake. On tablet and mobile landscape the overflow settings had to be “reset” as well. I did that and it seems to work now - although I havent added the background image back yet.
Nice and spicy ones too.
Yes that’s my point, the change was default so remove it.
Interesting, if you click the menu and click gallery it scrolls down the page and freezes.
Thats my next step go through and see the blue changes, look at them and reset ones not needed.
Yay, I at least helped you for future diagnoses.
Can you tick solved and click heart as well