Sidebar Navigator Only Appearing on Certain Pages

I have a sidebar navigator that works perfectly on one page but not on the others.

When the user scrolls to the bottom of the hero image, the navigator is supposed to enter the screen automatically, like so:

Screen Recording 2024-07-30 at 2.03.55 PM

Despite (what I think is) the same structure on the other pages, the sidebar never appears.

Page where the sidebar reveal interaction works: Webflow - Copy of Portfolio

Page where it doesn’t work: Webflow - Copy of Portfolio

There must be something very simple I’m missing. If you have a moment to look into it I would be forever in your debt.


You likely have to redo the animation. It doesn’t hold over from one page to the next page. Annoying that it happens, but I didn’t see a work around for that on my own search.


As Justin said, check for page-level interactions, you have to copy paste them to ensure the triggers ( scroll trigger most likely ) is on all of the pages you want.

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Just to be clear, are you talking about literally copy/pasting interactions? Or applying saved interactions to new elements? I haven’t copy/pasted an interaction before, so just want to be sure.

I haven’t done it in awhile but I don’t think you can copy-paste the page-level interactions themselves. You’d just look at the working page and then recreate the exact same page-level interactions in the not-working page.