Showing Password Text in Password Form Field

Hey! Is there a way to show/hide password text in the form builder? Essentially, a button that a user can press to show the content of the password field rather than just “•••••••••”.

For example:

Also, is there a way to have users confirm form data. i.e. “Enter email/password again to confirm”?

Thanks in advance! I appreciate any advice.

Nevermind, after a bit more digging and testing, password fields in Webflow do not work anyways. I will just have to find another workaround

Hi @ZachSean, did you find a solution to this?


in your custom code, simply change data-id attribute type=“password” to type=“text”

bind the show/hide password button function if clicking on the button to swap between show / hide password states above in .js.

(Dropping this here for future folks exploring the forums :grin:)

If you’re trying to find some code or a project to show and hide the contents of a password field, I just created a cloneable show password project you could use. If you have any questions, feel free to ping me!
