I’m completely new to Webflow, but I have coding experience.
While building a website, I always try to abstract CSS classes as much as possible in order increase reusability. So, for example, if I would need to style each item in an unordered list I would use something like:
ul li {
code here...
…instead of putting the CSS code directly on the LI tag.
I’m also trying to come up with general classes that can be used in more situations.
For example, I want to have a class “Section” for defining general attributes, and then each section will have specific class. After watching some tutorials I came up with the attached screenshot, and it works well.
There is one thing that I can’t achieve. Half of my sections will need to share common attributes. Therefore, besides the general “Section” class, I would need another general class that will apply to half of my sections. I don’t know how to achieve that via Webflow.