Set twitter:card OG tag


I’ve noticed that Webflow automatically sets the twitter:card open graph meta tag to summary. I want to customize this so that it’s set to summary_large_image.

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be an option to change that meta tag.

For Twitter, manually adding <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /> to the <head> custom code works, as Twitter uses the second twitter:card meta declaration. However, Slack only considers the first declaration, resulting in a tiny 100x100 image in a channel. (Details here: Everything you ever wanted to know about unfurling but were afraid to ask /or/ How to make your site previews look amazing in Slack | by Matt Haughey | Slack Platform Blog | Medium)

Is there a way to disable Webflow automatically defining the twitter:card type?

Tagging @Waldo for support question follow-up.

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No resolution to this issue? Seems like a fairly large issue for sharing blog posts and metadata with Twitter and social media.

I’m also working around this issue with a new site. I’ve exported the Webflow code files to my own host and can add the Twitter:card code for the “summary_large_image”, easy enough. But I will want to add it to my Webflow custom code so I don’t have to do that every time.

I had thought about that but I wanted to use the webflow blogging support which requires the CMS feature.

I had also through of exporting and then doing it in ghost but that’s more work to do :-/

You will need to create all this metatags manually because webflow create twitter meta tags with <meta property= and twitter only works with <meta name=

    <!-- Twitter Card Tags para personalizar o compartilhamento no Twitter -->
    <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
    <meta name="twitter:title" content="Title for twitter">
    <meta name="twitter:description" content="Long and bait description for  Twitter.">
    <meta name="twitter:image" content="">
    <meta name="twitter:site" content="@yourTwitter">