I was very proud of myself when I thought I solved my problem, but it didn’t work out. I bought a template that uses CMS (I don’t need CMS, but it’s hardwired in this template). I filled in all the forms to populate it only to realize that the images in the rich text couldn’t be turned into a lightbox (which was crucial). So I had to split up all the text and images into separate CMS fields in order to add lightbox to the images, only to realize that that wouldn’t work since I would far exceed the number of fields allowed (30… I’d need like 50). So now I’m stuck. Since I only need 3 or 4 pages, my ideal would be to take the layout of the template, but turn it into a static page and then fill it out manually. Is there any way to do that? To turn a template into a static page? Or to add lightbox to images in the rich text?
Or how about multiple layouts based on the original one? Then I could have it pull things references in a different order and maybe not need to surpass 30 fields. This thing is driving me nuts.
Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)