Section Background Image Max / Min Setting?

Hi guys,

So I am making progress on trying to make my 1200px wide design fit when viewed in tablet landscape. The hero and nav were / are the issues.

I managed to fix my nav by letting the logo shrink (thanks to VW) but also giving it a max which is important to me so it doesn’t get huge when stretching the window.

I might do the same with the hero tag line and bullet points by creating SVG versions of them - same thing using VW and setting a max - but the copy still overlaps with the bottles.

I’d love to be able to use VW + max for the hero section background image as well (the bottles), but the settings aren’t available, so I don’t know how to do it (see screengrab and link below).

Is there a trick (perhaps via some custom CSS?

Thank you for you help ad suggestions!!


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

I found a fix for this in case anyone is interested. I am basically making the image canvas as wide as the section so that it will shrink with it as a PNS with lots of empty space). Makes the image / file larger but that’s all I could come up with for now until Webflow enables a tablet landscape mode. Ed

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