Search button inside search input box

I want to put the search button inside Search input box. How can I do it? I have tried it but not able to do it. Can anyone help.?

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To place the search button inside the search input box, you can achieve this by using a container that holds both the input field and the button. The button can be positioned on the right side of the input field using CSS. This typically involves adjusting the padding of the input to make room for the button, and then positioning the button absolutely within the container. If you’re not familiar with CSS, you may need to consult a developer to help with this implementation.

It won’t be inside of it, but rather over top.
Scarletio’s approach here works but the search text can then go underneath the button which might not be ideal.

A simpler way is to CSS style the container around the input and the button so that it has input styling, and then style the input itself so it has none. This will give the visual effect you want without the overlap issue.