Looking for help!
My site layout is not responsive due to the divs I have on the side of the page. Looks similar to
https://www.revolut.com/ where you have the context in the middle and the images (in my case div blocks) on the side.
This the layout how I have it:
I have my hero section with text then i have a div in an absolute position taking full length and full width with a z index above the hero section. The divs and the context dont touch in a sense as they are different layers.
Issue here is when I resize to a smaller res the div blocks over lap the middle text, they don’t resize or alternatively move out of frame. Ive tried everything, changing px to REM, overflow and no overflows.
I don’t feel comfortable putting my site on here for everyone to see as its my personal portfolio but if you know how to help I will share the link with you (:
Many thanks!