Safari Problems?

Hello all! Happy Sunday to you, hope everyone had a great weekend.

Before we get started, here’s my read only link:
My Read Only Link

This is what it’s suppose to look like in mobile, and it does on google chrome:

This is what it ends up looking like on Safari:

Help! :upside_down_face:

Quick fix:

This screenshot is from Safari

Such an easy fix, I would’ve never thought to do that. I’d like to add, when I made the fix on google chrome and published site, it didn’t work with safari on my phone. When I went on safari on my laptop, then to webflow and fixed it on there and then published, it worked on my iphone safari as well. I wonder why, but either way, thanks.

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Each browser use different engine that means than each provider implements identical rule their own way. That said Safari is more strict about ‘correctly’ written code. Chrome is more forgiving as is trying to guess what the code represent and element should look like. Thats why I always testing code in each browser to find compromise that will works in each modern browser.

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