Rich Text CMS Full Width

Hello Webflow friends,

I’m trying to get the paragraphs in my CMS-generated Rich Text blocks to be full width. I found a Webflow staff screencast (- YouTube) on a similar topic, but it doesn’t address my issue.

Can you point me in the right direction? Thank you!

Here is my site Read-Only: 1
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Can you fix your read-only link? It is not functional.

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It’s working now. Thank you for checking it out.

Ok now get more specific. Which pages or page templates the issue exists on, and what exact element(s) are we talking about (class name)?

For example; on your Blog Posts Template, the Blog Post Content RTE, is constrained by your “Post Content Wrapper” div set to 800px width on break point “Desktop”.

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Thank you for spotting that! Sometimes when I keep looking at the same stuff, the obvious becomes hidden.

Sure no problem. The navigator is your friend. It is an easy way to quickly look at cascading styles.

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