Revealing cards on scroll

Hello all,
I am trying to recreate this effect on my webflow portfolio
It seems to me that it would require something with the absolute position, position animation trigger on scroll and maybe something else, but I am unsure how to put it all together.

This is my read only site. I am trying to attempt this at the bottom of the portfolio page, similar to the example shown.
Could someone please assist me in completing this?

Hi Amber - you should be able to do this with a simple ‘scroll into view’ interaction :slightly_smiling_face:

If you set the initial state to 10% down the Y-axis and 0% opacity, then 0.5s later have the state as 0% on the Y-axis and 100% opacity with some easing on, this should result in something like that.

Feel free to drop a message and I’ll pop some screenshots.