Responsive design problems

Hey guys, I wanted to create something like the picture attached. My problem is when I create something like that with a Grid the whole thing is just collapsing when I squeeze it together (not really responsive). How can I do it? And I also wanted to create a paralax effect but I think thats impossibe together :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

Would be really cool if someone could help!!

Regards, Felix

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You have to adopt the grid/layout for each breakpoint. Design your screen with help of the 4 screen sizes in the studio

Star from full screen and work your way down to mobile

Thanks for your repply! I know about the differnet brackpoints. My problem is that when Im on the Desktop prevision and scale down it complytly destroys the layout…

Was watching some responsive videos on Webflow 101 and I just had to set the max with to a certain amound with some tweeks and ta da solved :slight_smile: