RESOLVED: Webflow IX Bug? Console Errors: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'NODE_ENV')

RESOLVED - Diego from Webflow support:

The reason why this console error is appearing is because a element has an ID of process which appears to be a reserved ID in our code base. I’ll be passing this issue along to our engineering team so we can provide proper validation. -Diego

MASSIVE W for Webflow support team for debugging this so quickly and effectively. Thank you!

Original Project Share Link: Webflow -
Duplicate of Project Share Link: Webflow - (v3)

  • All of the site’s interactions stopped working at the same time.
  • IX still work inside the Designer, don’t work on published site.
  • Both and sites are broken.
  • No custom code is on the site.
  • Tried unpublishing, clearing cache, cookies, alternate browsers, etc – all attempts did not have any affect.
  • No collections, ecommerce, utility pages, etc
  • No libraries or integrations being used.
  • Removed adobe fonts integration.
  • Removed all unused IX and IX triggers using the built-in IX “clean up” tool.
  • Removed all unused IX manually.
  • Removed all unused pages, elements, etc.
  • Removed all unused symbols
  • Removed all unused classes/styles
  • Removed all unused images/files
  • Removed all locales
  • shows “all systems operational”

Console Error Messages:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'NODE_ENV')
    at fruitiongroup.6fa0db1b1.js:33:2217
    at fruitiongroup.6fa0db1b1.js:10:472
    at fruitiongroup.6fa0db1b1.js:44:92
    at fruitiongroup.6fa0db1b1.js:10:472
    at fruitiongroup.6fa0db1b1.js:44:721
    at fruitiongroup.6fa0db1b1.js:10:472
    at fruitiongroup.6fa0db1b1.js:71:1035
    at fruitiongroup.6fa0db1b1.js:10:472
    at fruitiongroup.6fa0db1b1.js:71:1071
    at fruitiongroup.6fa0db1b1.js:10:472

Code the error links to:

n4 = globalThis.process && globalThis.process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? function(t, r) {
  return t instanceof r

Thanks in advance and any insight into this is greatly appreciated.

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I have exactly same issue here, everything was working as expected 14 hours ago, I changed a text, publish and now images are not shown in the homepage , the strange part is that I restored a known working backup from 24 hours ago, published and same problem.
Can you share the fix?

Best regards

Answering to my self:

Something changed in webflow code from March 4 to 5, any website with this issue will have some unexpected problems, in my case images were not showing, check all your pages and rename any id from “process” to whatever you like, it seems previous webflow versions were not doing this check(not sure if they do it now), they changed the code without warning and this broke some websites unexpectedly.

Huge emergency issue for us since we were doing a presentation and suddenly our homepage crashed after a publish.

Best regards

I am also experiencing this problem. All interactions stopped working while I was editing them. Please, help, this has broken one of my clients websites, and now I’m afraid to update any other of my client’s websites in case they break upon publishing like the other cases in this thread. Please, please, let us know when we can publish without the interactions breaking. @alssmx if your images are not showing, you can remove any interactions and they will appear, but also, maybe they’ll fix this soon? It would be a pain to remove all interactions to get a client’s site working again, just to have to stick them back on…

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Cisco, can you share the link to your broken site to take a look? I sent a message to Support team with the fix and warning since this issue has the potential to create a massive nightmare for production websites, Brix Templates are affected, since they use this reserved “word” in their “Check our Process” section in the homepage.

I realized after rereading the RESOLVED message above more closely and making that adjustment: I changed the section-ID named “process” and it fixed it right up. I see now that they have process as a reserved word for the WebFlow code. I wonder if there is a list of words that are reserved for WebFlow code so that we can have a reference link to avoid that in the future (save more updates of course, but than we can reference an updated list of reserved words).

Thanks ya’ll!

Happy to hear you solved the issue, yes, I believe this was ƆA problem in the development cycle, some validation should be done or some big alert to not use reserved words, also, there are thousands of templates in their library and god knows how many sites that will awake with this nice emergency in the morning.

Thank you! This forum page helped fix my error as well!! Saved me hours from debugging…