hi everyone,
im having issues that are preventing me from finishing this site for a friend:
Home page,welcome page,music videos page:
on these pages i have video embeds, im having issues sizing them in a way so height and width scale accordingly so i can maintain the resolution size of the videos. as you can see i have changed width to 400 px in mobile landscape view as an attempt to fix this issue, it doesn’t look good in the mobile vertical view. I also have the issue of having overlaying slider controls as a way to navigate content on the website, this is the reason why i would like to make the embeds look good so they can work well with the sliders.
music page: im also having resizing issues for the embeds (especially larger embeds like amazon music) on smaller platform, the amazon music embed look enormous on mobile landscape view. as for the images in the sliders, i cannot seem to scale them down in size evenly so they can work with the slider content navigation system for embeds of music releases
thank you for your time, also any constructive criticism, design suggestions, etc… would be greatly appreciated