Resize Lightbox Video Player

How do you resize the player of the Lightbox video linked to Vimeo?

It goes full screen immediately. There are past posts about this, but they’re from 5 years ago, and they mention putting some code in to fix it but never say where it goes. I just want to reduce the size of the player.

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK](Webflow - Lightspeed)
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @Christopher_Mullan :wave:
It looks that width of lightbox elements is set here👇

So you may edit width of lightbox content by adding custom CSS, for example 800px max width:
@media (min-width: 768px) {.w-lightbox-image {max-width: 800px;}}

:information_source: But be aware that the maximum width of 800px will apply to all lightboxes on the page/website (depending on where you place your CSS) :arrow_heading_down:

What does it means: if you place CSS for the entire project and your project has lightboxes with images (not a video) somewhere in your project, then these lightbox images will also have a maximum width of 800 pixels.

:raising_hand_man: Do all experts agree with my idea or are there any other more flexible solution?