How to increase video size in lightbox

When I open a lightbox, the image inside will take most of screen space regardless of screen size. However the video will be fixed to a specific size. Is there any way I can increase the video size in lightbox? Thank you



Good example from Slack

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK

Does anyone have a solution for this? Having the same problem with linked YouTube vids.

I’ve tried adding a custom attribute under Lightbox settings …

.w-lightbox-frame, .w-lightbox-embed { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; }

Also tried adding this code to the project settings > custom code > head code - but it doesn’t work either.

Same issue here. I tried to change css like Neil_Warner, but cannot access and style the video inside the lightbox. It seems it’s baked in…not even scripts can touch it.